Italy | Days 6-8 – July 19th and 21st, 2019

The ANCRiSST workshop also took place at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering. At the beginning we had three keynote lectures, the first one was about bridge inspection with Dr. Hyung-Jo Jung, the second about metamaterials with Dr. Muamer Kadic, and the last one about base isolation systems with Dr. Antonello De Luca.

The event also had several sessions on Friday and Saturday about Smart Materials for Sensing and Actuation, Measurements and Health Monitoring, Response Prediction and Evaluation, Structural Control, Damage Detection, and Mechatronics and Automated Inspection. There were professors and students that exclusively attended the workshop, but the majority of the presentations were done by students from APESS.

In one of the sessions on Friday I presented my research about Structural Control and Optimization of actuators inside a structure. It was a really exciting and rewarding experience because it was my first oral presentation in an international event. This was also a great opportunity to network with professors and students.

During the workshop we also had a couple of social activities. On Saturday we went to the Forum of Augustus light show. In this event, we sat in front of the remains of the Forum of Augustus and we listened to the history of Augustus and Rome during his empire while the images and videos are displayed in a 15m tall wall.

On sunday we headed to Rome's Botanical Gardens where we could observe a lot of beautiful and interesting species.

This weekend was also a good opportunity to spend some time with friends and rest from all the academic activities. We ate pizza, pasta and gelato as you should while staying in Italy.  We also visited several iconic and famous places in the central area of Rome.

National Gallery of Ancient Art in Barberini Palace

Fontana di Trevi

Ponte Palatino

Piazza Venezia


Chiesa di Sant' Ignazio di Loyola

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